David Montana

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Contact Info:
15 Hathaway Circle, Arlington, MA 02476 USA
Phone: 781-641-1611
Click here for a two-page resume or a full CV
Editorial Positions:
At HERE, I worked as part of the team developing a
- Location-based search engine for translating users’ map
queries to addresses and places of interest (and hence map coordinates)
At BBN, I was Principal Investigator, technical lead, or a major
contributor on the following
research and development projects:
- GENI (2013): For an NSF-sponsored virtual laboratory for at-scale networking experimentation, implemented services supporting federation among experimenters, resources and administrators.
- Unsupervised Topic Discovery (2012-2013): NASIC-sponsored project for deployed system to create topic labels from a collection of documents and assign the labels to documents.
- Assorted classified projects (2007-2012) in the field of cyber-security
- DECODE (2010-2011), a DARPA-sponsored project to automate the process of software / malware attribution via determination of its lineage and provenance
- RPKI (2007-2009), a DHS-sponsored project to develop software in support of a public key infrastructure (PKI) for the Internet address space and autonomous system numbers, to provide improved security for inter-domain routing
- SASSI (2004-2007), a DoD-sponsored project to investigate the use
of genetic-algorithm and multiagent scheduling approaches for optimizing the utilization of a large number of computing resources in an enterprise grid
- SCR (2005-2007), a commercial project to develop and field a system to collect, process, and play large quantities of audio and visual surveillance data from a stock exchange floor
- IMPEL (2005), an internal project to investigate the use of gene regulatory networks in neural networks
- SPINDLE (2005), a DARPA-sponsored project to research issues involving disruption-tolerant networks (i.e. networks robust with respect outages, long delays, and sporadic connections), including the use of genetic programming to develop routing logic
- Adaptive Agents (2003-2004), a DARPA-sponsored project that included
the use of genetic programming for learning unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control logic
- Knowledge Discovery Markets (2003), a DARPA-sponsored project to investigate the use of electronic marketplaces for sharing intelligence data by experimentation with an online game
- ERNI (2003), a DARPA-sponsored project that included the use
of genetic algorithms to optimize the parameters of an ad hoc robot
networking protocol
- Vishnu Reconfigurable Scheduler (1999-2002), a DARPA-sponsored project to develop a web-based, automated scheduling system whose data formats, scheduling logic, and displays can be reconfigured for different problems and domains without writing any new code
- EvoGuard/Salamander (2000-2001), a DARPA-sponsored project investigating: (i) the use of genetic programming to learn effective responses to cyber attacks and (ii) the use of genetic algorithms for dynamic reconfiguration of data networks with wireless components
- AirCAMS/ULPS (1998-2000), projects to develop genetic-algorithm-based aircrew schedulers for airlift and air refueling squadrons for the U.S. Air Force Air Mobility Command
- EvolvaWare (1997-1998), a DARPA-sponsored project for investigating the use of FPGA-based hardware to greatly speed the genetic programming learning process and the execution of the learned algorithms
- TOPS (1996-1998), a DARPA-sponsored project developing applications of genetic algorithms to military logistics transportation scheduling and integrating the different applications into a multi-agent society
- BEST Field Service Scheduler (1995-1998), a genetic-algorithm-based system for scheduling field engineers to repair tasks, first implemented for Technology Services Solutions (the PC service division of IBM) and then reimplemented in Java for commercial licensing
- Society of Signals (1993-1995), a FHWA-sponsored research project to investigate the use of genetic programming to learn cooperative adaptive control laws for networks of traffic signals
set of Java applets demonstrating derived traffic flows is available.]
- FDS/IUSS, the Information Processing component (1986-1995), a project to develop the portion of a large operational undersea surveillance system whose function was to automatically detect, associate and track signals of interest
- NCAT (1989-1991), a project funded by the DARPA Artificial Neural Network Initiative to investigate using neural networks for identification of transient underwater signals
- SAF (1991), a project to create simulated unmanned aircraft and ground vehicles with realistic behavior to be part of the environment of SIMNET, a network of interacting battlefield vehicle simulators
Selected Papers:
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D. Montana, E. VanWyk, M. Brinn, J. Montana, and S. Milligan,
Evolution of Internal Dynamics for Neural Network Nodes,
Evolutionary Intelligence, 1(4), 2009.
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D. Montana and M. Reynolds,
Validation Algorithms for a Secure Internet Routing PKI,
Public Key Infrastructure (Proceedings of the 5th European PKI Workshop), Springer-Verlag, 2008.
(The original publication is available at
Springer-Verlag's web site. Here is the
copyright notice.)
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D. Montana and J. Zinky,
Optimizing Routing and Backlogs for Job Flows in a Distributed Computing Environment,
Meta-heuristics for Scheduling in Distributed Computing Environments, F. Xhafa and A. Abraham (eds.),
Springer, 2008.
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D. Montana, T. Hussain and G. Vidaver,
A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Reconfigurable Scheduler,
Evolutionary Scheduling, K. Dahal, K.C. Tan and P. Cowling
(eds.), Springer, 2007. (The original publication
is available at Springer's web site.)
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D. Montana,
A Comparison of Combinatorial Optimization and Dispatch
Rules for Online Scheduling,
Proceedings of
the 2nd Multidisciplinary Conference on Scheduling: Theory and
Application (MISTA), 2005.
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D. Montana and J.Redi,
Optimizing Parameters of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocol
Using a Genetic Algorithm,
Proceedings of
the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2005.
- [pdf] [Abstract] [PowerPoint]
D. Montana, A. Leung, and M. Brinn,
Information Sharing Using an Electronic Marketplace,
IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2005.
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T. Hussain, G. Vidaver and D. Montana,
Adaptive UGV Navigation using Advocates and Critics for
Tactical Behaviors,
Proceedings of AUVSI's Unmanned Systems North America, 2005.
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D. Montana, G. Vidaver, and T. Hussain,
A Reconfigurable Multiagent Society for Transportation
Scheduling and Dynamic Rescheduling,
International Conference on Integration of Knowledge
Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS), 2005.
- [pdf] [Abstract]
D. Montana and T. Hussain,
Adaptive Reconfiguration of Data Networks Using Genetic Algorithms (expanded version),
Applied Soft Computing, 4(4), 2004.
- [pdf] [Word] [Abstract]
T. Hussain, D. Montana, and G. Vidaver,
Evolution-Based Deliberative Planning for Cooperating Unmanned
Ground Vehicles in a Dynamic Environment,
Proceedings of
the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2004.
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T. Hussain, D. Montana, M. Brinn, and D. Cerys,
Genetic Algorithms for UGV Navigation, Sniper Fire Localization
and Unit of Action Fuel Distribution,
Military and Security Applications of Evolutionary
Computation (MSAEC) Workshop, part of GECCO, 2004.
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D. Montana,
A Comparison of Vishnu and OPL Studio,
First Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling:
Theory and Applications (MISTA), 2003.
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D. Montana, T. Hussain, and T. Saxena,
Adaptive Reconfiguration of Data Networks Using Genetic Algorithms,
Proceedings of
the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2002.
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D. Montana,
How to Make Scheduling Research Relevant, GECCO-2002 Workshop:
Scheduling: Bringing Together Theory and Practice, 2002.
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D. Montana,
So You Want to Build an Automated Scheduling System,
Proceedings of the GECCO-2002 Industrial Track, 2002.
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D. Montana,
Optimized Scheduling for the Masses, GECCO-2001 Workshop:
The Next Ten Years of Scheduling Research, 2001.
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D. Montana,
A Reconfigurable Optimizing Scheduler, Proceedings of
the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2001.
[pdf] [ps] [Abstract]
D. Montana, J. Herrero, G. Vidaver, and G. Bidwell,
A Multiagent Society for Military Transportation Scheduling,
Journal of Scheduling,
3(4), 2000.
[pdf] [ps]
S. Rana-Stevens, B. Lubin and D. Montana,
The Air Crew Scheduling System: The Design of a Real-world,
Dynamic Genetic Scheduler,
Proceedings of the Second Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference Late Breaking Papers, 2000.
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, G. Bidwell, G. Vidaver, and J. Herrero,
Scheduling and Route Selection for Military Land Moves Using
Genetic Algorithms,
1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1999.
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, Introduction to the Special Issue: Evolutionary
Algorithms for Scheduling, Evolutionary Computation,
6(1), 1998.
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D. Montana, M. Brinn, G. Bidwell and S. Moore,
Genetic Algorithms for Complex, Real-Time Scheduling,
IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1998.
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D. Montana, R. Popp, S. Iyer, and G. Vidaver,
EvolvaWare: Genetic Programming for Optimal Design of Hardware-Based
Algorithms, Proceedings of the Third Annual Genetic Programming
Conference, 1998.
R.Popp, D. Montana, G. Vidaver and S. Iyer,
Automated Hardware Design Using Genetic Programming, VHDL, and FPGAs,
IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1998.
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D. Montana and S. Czerwinski,
Evolving Control Laws for a Network of Traffic Signals,
Proceedings of the First Annual Genetic Programming Conference, 1996.
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nbsp;D. Montana,
Strongly Typed Genetic Programming,
Evolutionary Computation, 3(2), 1995.
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D. Montana,
Neural Network Weight Selection Using Genetic Algorithms,
in Intelligent Hybrid Systems, S. Goonatilake and S. Khebbal (eds.),
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, The Kinematics of Multifingered Manipulation,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1995.
K. Theriault, D. Montana and K. Haberl,
Detection and Classification of Acoustic Transients Using
Neural Networks,
U.S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, 1993
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, A Weighted Probabilistic Neural Network,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, 1992.
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D. Montana, Genetic Optimization of the Parameters of a
Track-While-Detect Algorithm,
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Adaptive and Learning Systems,
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, Genetic Search of a Generalized Hough Transform Space,
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Adaptive and Learning Systems,
[pdf] [ps]
D. Montana, Contact Stability for Two-Fingered Grasps,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992.
D. Brock, D. Montana, and A. Ceranowicz,
Coordination and Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1992.
D. Montana and K. Theriault,
Neural-Network-Based Classification of Acoustic Transients,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Neural Networks for
Ocean Engineering, 1991.
D. Montana,
Automated Parameter Tuning for Interpretation of Synthetic Images,
in Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, L. Davis (ed.), 1991.
D. Montana, The Condition for Contact Grasp Stability,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1991.
D. Montana,
Empirical Learning Using Rule Threshold Optimization for
Detection of Events in Synthetic Images,
Machine Learning, 1990.
D. Montana and L. Davis,
Training Feedforward Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms,
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, 1989.
D. Montana, The Kinematics of Contact with Compliance,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1989.
[pdf] [Abstract]
D. Montana, The Kinematics of Contact and Grasp,
International Journal of Robotics Research, 1988.
D. Montana, J. Herrero, and S. Moore,
Domain-independent reconfigurable scheduler, U.S. Patent
#6,769,112. July 27, 2004.
R. Popp, J. Walters, and D. Montana,
System for a Dynamically Reconfigurable Wireless Robot Network,
U.S. Patent #6,266,577. July 24, 2001.
D. Gabriner, S. Milligan, J. DeStefano, and D. Montana,
System and Method for Genetic Algorithm Scheduling System, U.S. Patent
#5,848,403. December 8, 1998.